Friday, April 8, 2016

Life is Good in Monterey

Day 17:  Friday, April 8, 2016

Yesterday’s chores became more than I bargained for when my mother-in-law’s neighbor informed me that the back wall of her shed had fallen into his yard during the last storm here in Monterey.  He was kind enough not to disturb her with this news.  What to do?  The roof of the shed has been collapsing for years and there is nothing of any value in the shed.  One side wall is held up by a neighbor’s fence and the other side by my mother-in-law’s house.  The best I could do (given time, tools, and material) was to dismantle the collapsed wall and use the material to build a temporary fence along the back of the shed where the wall once stood.  Mission accomplished!  

Visitors arrive today and we plan to do lunch out on the town.  The lawn work I started yesterday, interrupted by the shed issue, is on my schedule for Saturday.  Meanwhile, I enjoy walking about—San Carlos beach, Fisherman’s Wharf, and Cannery Row—just a few steps away.  There is a nice walking path all along the bay as well.  My bachelor pad (the RV) provides me with solitude (and coffee) whenever that is needed!  Life is good in Monterey!

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