Monday, April 26, 2021

Giving Up "Doing It My Way"

 Last year on this date I wrote a blog called “My Way,” based on the song made famous by Frank Sinatra.  I always liked the song even though I know that no one really makes it in this world doing “it my way” and “my way” only.  A poll of funeral directors indicated that many people do believe they “did it” their way, because the song was named the most-played song at funerals a few years ago.

Three years ago circumstances were such that I was unable to do the annual mulching of my flowerbeds.  I hired a couple of fellows to do it for me.  Before they even began the work, one of them told me, “Now remember, we probably won’t do it the way you would do it.”  He was right—they didn’t do it my way—even though they did a decent and acceptable job.  

Last spring, in the midst of Covid and the stay-at-home requirements, I was able to do the mulching my way.  The flowerbeds were carefully edged and prepared my way, and the three loads of mulch were distributed my way.  The day I finished mulching “my way” I remembered this verse of the song:

“Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew 

When I bit off more than I could chew…

I ate it up and spit it out

I faced it all and I stood tall

And did it, I did it my way.”

This year I carefully edged and prepared the flowerbeds “my way,” and I even distributed one load of mulch in the back yard “my way.”  But I knew that I had “…bit off more than I could chew” and instead of eating it up and spitting it out as I stubbornly did last year, I asked for help from my grandson Nick.  Rather than facing it all and standing tall, I realized it didn’t have to be done my way at all—it just needed to be done.  So Nick came today.  In two hours he distributed the mulch to all my carefully edged and prepared flowerbeds.  Looking at the photo of the finished project from last year and Nick’s job today, it is evident that Nick’s way is very close to Grandad’s way.  Thank you, Nick.

April 26, 2021: Nick's Way


         April 26, 2020:  My Way