Thursday, January 31, 2019

Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better

I couldn’t help but laugh yesterday when Mr. Trump began singing his usual Twitter Songs, suggesting that the Intelligence Agencies needed to “go back to school” and that they were “passive and naive” about what is happening in the world (North Korea, Iran, etc.).  It reminded me of another song, written by Irving Berlin and made popular by the Broadway musical, “Annie Oakley”  years ago.

“Anything you can do I can do better
I can do anything better than you
No, you can’t
Yes, I can
No, you can’t 
Yes, I can! Yes, I can!

Anything you can be I can be greater
Sooner or later I’m greater than you
No, you’re not
Yes, I am
No, you’re not
Yes, I am
No, you’re not
Yes, I am, yes I am!”

I know the issues aren’t a laughing matter, but I just couldn’t help myself!  I laughed when Mr. Trump said he knew more about military operations than all the generals, too.  I laughed when he declared that his administration had accomplished more than any other in history.  I laughed when he said he won the 2016 election by a landslide. I laughed when he just recently announced another caravan of 8000 migrants approaching the southern border. But it isn’t really a laughing matter is it?  

Douglas Wise, a career C.I.A. official and former deputy at the Defense Intelligence Agency said, “This is the consequence of narcissism, but it is a strong and inappropriate public political pressure to get the intelligence community leadership aligned with his political goals.”  This is extremely dangerous ground.  With Mr. Trump in charge, we don’t need intelligence agencies.  With Mr. Trump in office, we don’t need generals.  With Mr. Trump in charge, we don’t even need a Senate, or a House of Representatives.  Why, we don’t even need a Supreme Court.  Check out his Twitter Songs and you will see what I mean.  Anything these agencies or people can do, he can do better. Anything they can be he can be greater.  No, it is not a laughing matter at all!  It is a clear and present danger to our democracy!

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