Monday, June 25, 2018

“Coddiewompling” Again!

It is time to get on the road again.  But there are no roads to take us to England which is where we want to go.    I wish there were a way to put pontoons on our Odysseus (our miniature RV) and cross the “Pond” that way, but, alas, that just won’t work according to my mechanic friend.  So, I’m grateful that British Airways has agreed (for a price) to take us across the Pond on Wednesday evening where we will meet up with our granddaughter Katie (aka Katydid) and her husband, Liam.

Katie and Liam were married here in the United States last October.  I had the honor and privilege of officiating the wedding service.  Some of Liam’s family were able to come for that event,  but other relatives and friends were unable to do so.  Thus, a second wedding (or “Blessing” or “Vow Renewal”) has been planned in England on the last day of June.  (Liam and Katie want to be sure the knot is tied securely both in the US and in England).  

We are delighted to have my brother and his wife journey with us.  We’ll spend several days visiting in England and being with Katie and Liam.  Then, we will go on another adventure while in the area.  We will fly from England to Denmark, board a cruise ship and sail the Baltic Sea visiting ports in Berlin, Germany,  Tallinn, Estonia, St. Petersburg, Russia, Stockholm, Sweden, Helsinki, Finland and back to Copenhagen, Denmark.  What an adventure it will be!

Yesterday, my friend, Frank, posted a photo on Facebook that caught my immediate attention.  I’m sure it had much to do with our upcoming journey.  I laughed at first, but then began to realize the truth the photo revealed.  I can’t coddiewomple like I did a few years ago.  If  you want to be a Coddiewompler, then you better get to it now.  Don’t wait.  Coddiewomple while it is day. We know not what tomorrow holds. 

“Why NOT to postpone travel until retirement.” 

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