Monday, January 8, 2018

Mobilization, Deployment, Engagement

MOBILIZATION, in military terminology, is the act of gathering, assembling and readying troops and supplies for war.  In spiritual and psychological terms we should always be in a state of mobilization personally (gathering, assembling, readying and preparing) for the challenges of life.  Mobilization is essential to face whatever today and tomorrow may bring.  For that reason, I regularly take time to mobilize my  memories, to bring them back into consciousness, to gather them “as a hen gathers her brood under her wing.”  I take time each day to recall and retrace all my travels, not only experiencing once again the thrill of those early adventures, but also learning from them.  Mobilizing my memories brings back to my mind all the great “Star Persons” who lit my soul’s candles and nourished the spirit within me.  Mobilizing my past experiences and memories also brings to mind the obstacles, the challenges, and the hurt though which I have passed. (It should be noted, “wounded soldiers” can also serve).  We must be in a constant state of mobilization, always getting ready for the next step.  Mobilizing memories and experiences of the past is not a morbid exercise of a mind grown old and feeble.  It is, rather, a gathering, assembling, readying and preparing all that we have been and all that we are for whatever “action” may be required of us today and tomorrow.  By the way, the opposite of mobilization is demobilization (all action ceases, it is the end).

DEPLOYMENT, in military terminology, is “the movement of troops and equipment to a place or position for military action.”  In spiritual and psychological terms this means taking our mobilized self—all our memories, all our knowledge, all our experience, all that we are, to the place where the action is.  By the way, the opposite of deployment is to be removed from where the action is!

ENGAGEMENT, in military jargon is to join the battle, the action, the war.  The “war” or action for which we have mobilized ourselves and now deployed ourselves awaits us.  There are all kinds of wars that need to be fought these days and these wars, like all wars, require mobilization, deployment, and the willingness to engage.  

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