Thursday, December 28, 2017

We Are Not On The Same Page

The phrase, “on the same page,” is a modern version of older idioms like,  in the same league, in the same ballpark, singing from the same song sheet, or preaching to the choir.  To be on the same page means “we” are in general agreement.  For example, if we agreed that global warming is a serious problem, but disagreed in minor ways about suggested solutions, we might say we were on the same page. However, we might fervently disagree on whether wind turbines are good or bad for the environment.  In this case we would have to say that while we agree that global warming is a problem, we are not on the same page because we strongly disagree on the use of wind turbines as a solution.

Put in another context we might say that all Christians (or Jews or Muslims) are on the same page because they are in general agreement about God, Jesus, or Mohammed.  It is self-evident, however, that all Christians are not on the same page.  This has been demonstrated over the centuries by the splintering of Christians into denominations and in modern times into “un” or “non” denominational churches or groups. The Jews and the Muslims have the same problem.  Not all Jews—Muslims—Republicans—Democrats, or Americans are on the same page.  Why?  Because we do not all think alike!  Simple as that and as profound as that! Personally, I think this is a good thing.  It is the bedrock of our American Constitution and the promise of the American Dream that we are free to think and express ourselves without hindrance.

It is for this reason that I really get upset when I hear a member of the House of Representatives of the United States of America suggesting that there should be a purge of the FBI in order to provide a “clean” investigation.  What he is suggesting is that everyone should be on the same page and in this case, he means the “Trump” political page—any other position in his mind seems to be un-American.  The early purges in Nazi German were against those people and those things considered “un-German.”

There was a “purging” on a Christmas long ago when Herod attempted to keep all things under his thumb.  On this Fourth Day of Christmas 2017, we must be on the same page in resisting any and all forms of purging so that we can be free NOT to be on the same page!

Arches National Park

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