Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Chased Down and Surrendering = Annunciation

Congressman John Lewis in his book Walking with the Wind writes about the sense of expectancy that came into his life in the early civil rights movement.  “It was at this time that I began believing in what I call the Spirit of History.  Others might call it Fate, or Destiny, or a Guiding Hand.  Whatever it is called, I came to believe that this force is on the side of what is good, of what is right and just.  It is the essence of the moral force of the universe, and at certain points in life, this force, this spirit, finds you and selects you, it chases you down, and you have no choice, you must allow yourself to be used, to be guided by this force and to carry out what must be done.  To me, that concept of surrender, of giving your self over to something so much larger than yourself, is the basis of what we call faith.  And it is the first and most crucial step toward opening yourself to this Spirit.”

Mary saw and heard the angel Gabriel because she was ready, receptive, expectant, and open to such a possibility.  She believed that such a thing could really happen.  She believed that God was about to do a new thing in her life.   She believed God would find her, select her, call her, chase her down.  She was ready to allow herself to be used.  She was willing to give herself over to something larger than herself.  Mary was open to faith.

Joseph could dream his dream because he was ready, receptive, expectant, and open, too.  The shepherds could see and hear the heavenly host because they believed such a thing could really be, could really happen.  The wise persons could see the star and follow it because they believed it was leading them somewhere, that it pointed to something bigger than themselves.  They felt that they had been found, selected, and chased down by God to be used for a mighty purpose.

Without a sense of expectancy and willing receptivity how can annunciations occur?  The Spirit of History, Fate, Destiny, a Guiding Hand, or God, “Whatever it is called,” cannot get through without our having a sense that such breakthroughs are possible.  Have you ever felt yourself being  “chased down” by something bigger than yourself? It happens every Christmas!

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