Sunday, September 17, 2017

Inferences & Assumptions

We all have them—assumptions.  We all make them—inferences.  An assumption is “a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.”  Someone has said, rightly so, that to assume is to presume.  An assumption is something we take for granted or presuppose. We assume our beliefs to be true and use them to interpret what is happening in the world around us.  

Inference is "an intellectual act by which one concludes that something is true in the light of something else being true."  Whether an inference is true or not true, whether it is logical or illogical, whether justified or unjustified, I assume it to be so. If I see a frowning face, I infer that the person is upset.  If I meet a tall guy, I naturally infer that he must be good at basketball.  If I see dark clouds over the horizon, I infer that it will rain.  I assume, therefore, that whenever I see any frowning face it means a person is upset; whenever I meet any tall guy that he is good at basketball and whenever any dark clouds show up on the horizon it means it will rain.  Such assumptions are false (the inferences I’ve made are not always true).  Not every frowning face means a person is upset; not every tall guy is good at basketball, and dark clouds on the horizon do not always bring rain.

We make different inferences based on our viewpoint (prior beliefs and/or assumptions).  Each of us (based our point of view) see things differently and make different assumptions about what we see.  If two people see a man lying in a gutter, one might infer, “There’s a man who needs help.”  The other might infer, “There’s a drunken bum.”  The first person assumes, “People lying in the gutter are in need of help.”  The second person assumes, “Only drunks are to be found in gutters.”  Assumptions close doors.  Preconceptions limit possibilities.  Our biggest challenge as human beings is to think through our preconceptions, presumptions, inferences and our assumptions.  It seems to me, that this is our greatest challenge right now as a society and as a nation.  “Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in” (Isaac Asimov).

What do you see?

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