Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Diversion & Manipulation

However we  may view kneeling, standing, sitting, or whatever during the singing of the national anthem and the presentation of the flag at NFL games really isn’t the greatest or gravest issue confronting us as a nation and world—though the president continues to “twitter” as though it were priority #1.  We all took the bait last Friday. We’ve stood up or knelt down or given a thumbs up or down for what we believe and it has divided us.  We’ve spoken out and been yelled down.  We’ve come together only to be pulled apart.  We are now locked into our little camps, defending the “right” we think is “right!”  

Meanwhile, North Korea believes the United States, namely Mr. Trump, has declared war on their republic.  Meanwhile, natural disaster areas are crying out for help. Meanwhile, we have done little to combat Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election (not a “hoax”) from interfering with  future election cycles.  Meanwhile, and meanwhile and meanwhile…so many important issues need to be addressed from racial/gender disparities to health care to any number of world crises.  

Diversion has always been a ploy of the “powers and principalities” and we have been diverted over and over again in recent months from the crucial issues of our time to focus on the mundane and the frivolous.  The multifarious babel that has been relentless since inaugural day has brought about a visceral and intellectual fatigue upon millions of Americans.  This babel and the many diversions demoralizes the human spirit.  The visceral and intellectual fatigue conveniences, not the people, but the diverting power.  We must keep guard on our spirits—we must not allow ourselves to be diverted or to become fatigued.  For that is precisely the aim of the diversion ploy.

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