Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Inner Dialogue

Within me there are many selves.  There is an elder brother always urging me to stay at home, to be safe and secure in my Father’s house.  There is the sister who scolds me for being foolish and wasting my time.  There is the Preacher who admonishes me to put all into God’s hands. “What is your name?” Jesus asks me.  And I reply with the demoniac, “Legion,” for there are many within me (Luke 8:30).

Why do you rant and rave so about current politics? He asked me.
You may not even be around, old as you are, for the next election cycle.
Your admonitions and concerns are futile in such a divided and partisan situation.
Why does it matter to you?  Enjoy your retirement without fret or worry. 
Things work out.

Why are you so upset about the world situation? She asked me.
The world situation is like climate change.  Is there anything you can really do about it?
The poor will always be among us, so the Scripture says…and the hungry, too.
Things have a way of working out, no matter what you say or do.
After all, God is in charge and you need only to trust God in all things.
Jesus will come again soon and everything will be fine.  Why worry?
Things work out.

Why are you so obsessed with these issues of the world? The Preacher asked me.
God calls us out of this world.  Set your eyes on God’s kingdom.
You cannot change anything.  You cannot make a difference.  
You have troubles enough of your own without taking on more.
Give yourself to Jesus.  Be born again. 
Put all these things that concern you in God’s hands now.
All things are possible for God.  Let God handle it.
God will work things out.

Do things work out if we just sit back and say nothing, do nothing, and ignore? I ask myself.
My words may be futile, but in order to be a human being, I must speak them.
If I do not speak out and you do not speak out…who will?
In the present situation, I believe the very stones will cry out if we do not.
It is that kind of moment. Things won’t work out without me, without you.

We swim in the same ocean.

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