Saturday, August 19, 2017


If I had grown up outside the Christian Church, without the Bible, without knowing about Jesus, without religious education,  would I be aware of “Love (God) at the heart of all things?”  The question itself assumes that somehow or another we have to be told by the church, the preacher, or some other witness that God is and that we must at some time or another acknowledge this God by a profession of faith (in order to obtain life everlasting).  There are many Christian ministers who use every opportunity to introduce this god to the so-called godless (those who haven’t made that profession of faith) often using weddings, funeral services, and other similar occasions to do so.  This need, this vulgar and presumptuous attitude on the part of church and clergy suggests that God is a stranger among us (an abstract presence residing somewhere else other than here) rather than a  living presence here and now in this world—this world as we know it and touch it and smell it and live and work in it.  

A god who needs to be introduced to us and to our anxieties, issues, and joys, by church, clergy, etc.,  is not much of a god to my way of thinking.  Indeed, I don’t believe there are godless people anywhere, because all of us live in a world where God is present and active, whether this fact is acknowledged, accepted, or professed, doesn’t make any difference at all.  A god dependent upon our acceptance or our profession of faith is not a God! 

God is (Love is at the heart of all things).  God speaks to us, to all of us, in the very events and relationships (all of them) which make up our existence in this world.  God is not held in bondage by Bible, church, synagogue or mosque.  God is not an unknown or an abstract being up in the sky, who must be introduced to us.  God is already with us in everything and has always been with us, and will always be with us.  I think, even without Bible, church, or clergy, etc., I would have come to the conclusion that Love is at the heart of all things.

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