Sunday, February 14, 2021

Give Them The Flowers Now

 “I expect to pass through this world but once, any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness I can show to my fellow creature, let me do it now.  Let me not defer or withhold it, I shall not pass this way again.”  (Stephen Grellet)

Many years ago I heard a sermon delivered by an Air Force chaplain based on Mark 14:3-9, the story of the woman who came to Jesus in Bethany with a “very costly perfume” and poured the oil over his head.  Jesus’ disciples complained about the waste, but Jesus said, “Let her alone.  Why must you make trouble for her?  It is a fine thing she has done for me.  You have the poor among you always, and you can help them whenever you like; but you will not always have me.”

Some people use the story to suggest that the “poor” will always be among us and we’ll never solve that social problem, thus missing the point Jesus was attempting to make:  “you will not always have me.”

We will not always have our grandparents, our parents, our brothers, our sisters, our loved ones with us.  At this stage of the journey I know this as a fact of life.  Yesterday I lost my wife of fifty-seven years to ovarian cancer. 

The chaplain closed his sermon with a poem—a poem which I have used many times.  Years ago, a friend, hearing me use the poem in a sermon, copied it in calligraphy and framed it for me.  It has had a place in every one of my cubicles (study, office) since, so I see it and read it every day.  I read it again this morning.  Fifty-seven years we shared struggles and strivings, fifty-seven years of cares and tears, fifty-seven years of frowns, furrows, and fears, fifty-seven years of laughter, joy, love, ice cream cones, travel, and so much more.  What about the flowers?  Yes, we gave one another the flowers in the midst of it all.  How I wish I had given more!  I encourage you “to give them the flowers now."

Here are the struggles and striving;

Here are the cares and the tears;

Now is the time to be smoothing 

The frowns and furrows and fears.

What to closed ears are kind sayings

What to hushed heart, is deep vow?

Naught can avail after parting,

So give them the flowers now.


With grandson Austin--twenty-four years ago!

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