Sunday, July 21, 2019

Beware of Shackling Yourself

To be critical and/or to complain about the government (local, state, or federal) has never been unAmerican.   It is as American as “apple pie.”  Our nation was born out of such criticism and complaint!

To be critical of Israel is not the same as being anti-Semitic.  Where in the world did that notion come from?  How is being critical of another government or nation unAmerican?  No one seems to mind when we are critical of Iran?

Being critical of a president is not unpatriotic nor treasonous.  Whenever a president says it is so, we are in deep trouble.

Socialism is not a bad word.  “Social” Security is a form of socialism, so is Medicare. You may argue that you contribute to these “social” benefits.  Well, we all contribute through state and federal taxes to provide all other kinds of  other forms of socialism, from our armed forces to our public schools. “Democratic Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.”  Is there anything wrong with that?  (In fact, for those who say they adhere to the teachings of the Bible, you might note that socialism was the accepted governance of the early church:  “All whose faith had drawn them together held everything in common:  they would sell their property and possessions and make a general distribution as the need of each required” (Acts 2:44).

Being Jewish, Muslim, Hindu or Christian (even those with no faith) in a democracy means that each and every person of these faith groups are created equal with certain “unalienable rights.”  To say one is more important or should be treated differently undermines the Declaration of Independence.  

Whenever any of these rights and freedoms are denied to some, or to anyone, we are all threatened.   Be careful what you buy into—you may be putting shackles on your own rights and freedoms as a citizen.

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