Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Oh, the Absurdity....


President Joe Biden (yes, he is president of the United States, winning both the popular vote and the electoral college vote in the 2020 election) is 81 years old.  So am I.  Either of us could have a stroke, a heart attack, or die any minute.  But, then, so  can those who are only 50, or 55, or 60.

Biden's activities before last Thursday’s debate with candidate Donald Trump (yes, candidate, former president, twice impeached, and adjudicated felon) was rather amazing.  He flew across the pond in early June for a state visit in Paris, attended the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in WWII, and met with Ukrainian President Zelensky.   The following week he flew across the pond again for the G-7, held a joint news conference with President Zelensky, met with the Italian Prime Minister, the pope and other leaders.   He then flew to Los Angeles for a campaign fundraiser (June 15).  He took a few days off to rest up in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.   (I would definitely need that!)  For six days he was sequestered at Camp David  to prepare for the debate on June 27th.  The debate was a flop—for both the president and Mr. Trump.  But, then, what's so important about a 90-minute debate?

The pundits are having a heyday with Joe Biden’s age since that debate.  They have ignored the other guy, who happens to be only 3 years younger,  and who, during the debate, lied repeatedly, never answered a single question with clarity, and continually belittled, demeaned and disrespected his opponent and the United States of America.  (Maybe belittling, demeaning, disrespecting doesn’t mean much anymore, but it means a whole lot to 81-year olds).

Some (like the New York Times editorial board) are calling for the president to step down because of his age.  Where are the demands for the other candidate to step down—because of his age, his lies, his character, his announced intentions to punish those who oppose him, his criminal conviction, etc. etc. etc.?   I’m 81 years old!  Age  isn't the problem here (especially with only three years separating the president and Mr. Trump).   To make it the problem is absolutely absurd!


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