Richard Rohr in his book, Radical Grace, writes:
“To pray is to build your own house. To pray is to discover that Someone else is within your house. To pray is to recognize that it is not your house at all. To keep praying is to have no house to protect because there is only One House. And that One House is everybody’s home. That is the politics of prayer.”
The origin of the word “politics” comes from the Greek and means “the affairs of the city.” Whenever we focus on the “affairs” of anything and/or everything we are engaged in politics—the politics of God, the world, religion, government and humankind. Politics is a multifaceted word. As William Stringfellow wrote, “The biblical topic is politics…the politics of the nations, institutions, ideologies, and causes of this world and the politics of the Kingdom of God…”
We limit politics by applying the word only to government—Conservatives, Liberals, Socialists, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. Perhaps we should focus more on the politics of God! After all, we say we believe our government exists “under God” and stamp our money with the words “In God We Trust.” So why not focus on the politics of God? What is God’s political agenda for the “affairs” of humankind?