Thursday, October 25, 2018

There Is Another World

William Butler Yeats rote, “There is another world, but it is in this one.”  It is not “out there” somewhere.  It is right here. It is another dimension.  The world we know now can be different, can be renewed, can be loving and caring, by moving into this other dimension.  “There is another world, but it is in this one!”

N. Gordon Cosby made an attempt to describe this other world within this world in a sermon, called “Deepening Connections.” “This room,” he said, “is full of beams and sounds—beams which are carrying images too numerous to count.  We could bring in twenty TV sets and place them around the room.  There would be different channels, all of which would be broadcasting simultaneously.  All of the various sounds and images are in this room this very moment.  It is the television that receives and sends them out.  

In like manner, the mystical consciousness is the instrument whereby we receive into our deepest being the love that surrounds us, is seeking to penetrate us and subsequently to radiate from us.

This love energy, this presence, this hope is inexhaustible.  With God there is no scarcity.  The flow is infinite, never ending.  ‘Take no anxious thought for tomorrow.’  Why?  Because what you need for tomorrow will come in the inevitable flow.

‘Consider the lilies of the field.’  Relax into God’s infinite bounty.  You will be taken care of .  You are safe. God is friendly.  The manna will flow. Deepen your connectedness with this unseen, real realm [that other world in this one].”  

We do not have to live under the power of the present darkness, we do not have to denigrate one another or hate one another.  We can choose to let that other world be revealed in us.  We can connect with all people, our kind and not our kind, in that other realm.  Connecting with this other world (already in this one) we can bridge the divisions that are present now.  

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